JLD-Tall Easter Basket


JLD-Tall Easter Basket


This basket is approximately 7-1/2" (with handle) x 6-3/4" x 2-1/2" and it comes with the basket base, bottom mat (to change inside color), the inside box mats, the scallop mats, the handle, the handle mat, and two dividers: The smaller hole templates hold real (Grade A Large or Extra Large) eggs as well as plastic eggs that are approximately 2-1/2" tall x 1-1/2" wide. The larger hole templates hold plastic eggs that are approximately 3-1/4" tall x 2" wide. This box is perfect for little ones as the eggs are down toward the bottom of the box and they won't fall out easily :) It is compatible with both the 8x12 and 12x12 mats. . You can find additional images and a full tutorial on my blog: http://jamielanedesigns.blogspot.com/2014/03/3d-easter-baskets-and-handled-pillow-box.html

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